Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Test of Faith

I taught a Sunday school class recently that left me with a few unanswered questions.
The title was "Stepping out in Faith". You may have covered this same topic.
The one question I am still wondering about is this...
Is it acceptable to manufacture or dream up tests of faith?
I'll give you an idea of what I am referring to... here are some examples... some of which may be a bit exaggerated but you get the point:

  1. I sure could use a new battery powered drill. I have the money to buy it but I think I will test my faith and ask God to send the exact amount of money through an anonymous gift to be received this coming week.

  2. I'm pretty sick and am suspicious it could be pneumonia. I'm going to just stay at home, pray, and have faith that God will heal me because I know he can.

  3. My budget is maxed out. I really have no extra money for a 40.00 per month cell phone contract but because I have faith in God I will just go ahead purchase the phone and see what great things God can do.
Do these examples fall in the realm of tempting God? I guess if I were honest I would be very hesitant to make these statements and act on them. Is it because my faith is weak? Is it because I feel it is bordering on tempting God? Feel free to share your thoughts.


Blogger Unknown said...

Just read your post. Interesting question. One thing that comes to mind is what Jesus said about not tempting God. But I do wonder if we don't sometimes limit God's work in our lives because we are not willing to stick our neck out and trust God. The other side is that I think God does want us to use common sense and the things He has given us( as in the case of pneumonia). And maybe God is wanting us to sacrifice our cellphone for a while. Enough random circling. One thing I am confident of, God does want us to seek Him and seek His wisdom and guidance. Trusting God does not mean we ask Him for grand miracles but it is the constant tuning of one self to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.

8:15 PM  

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